Detail Cantuman

Perbankan Syariah
Budaya Organisasi Pada PT. Bank BNI Syariah
Organization Culture at PT. Bank BNI Syariah formula known as Amanah Jama’ah. And the values of Organization Culture are SHIFAT Shiddiq, Fathonah, Amanah, Tabligh. Amanah in carrying out the duties and liabilities in a responsible manner to obtain optimal results, and Jama’ah the synergy of duty and liabilities. Organizations that excellent and survive in the long term is an organization that has a strong Organization Culture that supports the organization's vision,
and values are the foundation of the Work Culture organization's commitment to equality, to think and act, on a mission and achieve the vision of the organization. Organization Culture are believed that it has a significant impact to the sharia banking performance, creates society trust to the sharia banking system, and becomes the asset determining the superiority of sharia banking. In the discussion of this study, examined the Organization Culture at PT. Bank BNI Syariah.
SM 0150/12 | SM 0150/12 | Rak Studi Mandiri | Tersedia |
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SM 0150/12
Penerbit | STEI SEBI : Depok., 2012 |
Deskripsi Fisik |
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SM 0150/12
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Masyitoh Az-Zahro
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