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Perbankan Syariah

Analisis Fungsi Asuransi Syariah dalam Meminimalisir Risiko

At this time, the benefit of insurance has been felt by human, it involves individually, group of community in business world. Realize the population in Indonesia is dominantly Muslim in majority, that is why an insurance base on the law of syariah is needed. In order Muslim avoid their self from forbidden elements such as maisir, gharar, and riba that can be found in conventional insurance. The purpose of Syariah insurance is basically to prohibit the risks that were appeared by unexpected events. Generally the risk was responded as an adverse event, because it managed to avoid (risk avoidance) reduced (risk reduction), detained or pressured (risk retention), divided (risk sharing) and assigned or transferred (risk transfer). In solving the risks, both conventional and Syariah insurance try to find how the risk in future time is not guaranteed individually. This way make Syariah insurance become different from conventional insurance. Function of Syariah Insurance to supply Risk Sharing Mechanism through instrument or common pool where the holder of polis pay fairly and balance premium (Equitable Premiums), depend on the risk of losses base on the guarantee which is involved in that pool.


SM 0160/12SM 0160/12Rak Studi MandiriTersedia

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SM 0160/12
Penerbit STEI SEBI : Depok.,
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SM 0160/12
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